Specialty Troops
Trail Blazers
Is your daughter a Girl Scout Cadette, Senior or Ambassador? Does she enjoy all things outdoor?
We’ve got great news for you. Service Unit 84 will be having a specialty Trailblazer Troop!
What are Trailblazers?
A Trailblazer Troop is a special interest troop that focuses primarily on outdoor adventures in any of the five key Trailblazer concentration areas: Hiking, Camping, Survivorship, Adventure Sports and Stewardship.
Who can join? Like other specialty troops, Trailblazer Troops are open to both new members and existing Girl Scout as either their only troop experience or as a dual enrollment with an existing Girl Scout troop.
This Troop will have one meeting per month and an additional outdoor activity a month. For more information, please contact Ivonne Droz at Ivonne.droz@gmail.com
Independently Registered Girl (IRG)
Individually Registered Girl Scouts (IRGs) can participate as a Girl Scout without a troop, but with you serving as her mentor. She would be able to participate in some Girl Scout activities that are run by our Girl Scout Council or with events all Flemington Girl Scouts have the opportunity to participate in such as the Holiday parade, Fall Campout, Winter trip to Frost Valley, Easter Egg Hunt, Spring Camporee and various community service opportunities.