Welcome to the Parent Page
We hope you are enjoying your girl scout journey with your daughter! As parents and caregivers, there are a variety of ways to give back to the troop. Some ideas include:
* Planning a troop meeting or outing (remember to discuss with Troop Leaders before presenting to the girls. Leaders must ensure Council rules and guidlines are followed)
*Register as a Troop Volunteer- This allows you to step in anytime ratios require but this also allows you to participate in all group functions.
*Be involved in the Troop. Sign on as Cookie Mom, Camping Mom, Troop Purchaser, Fall Product Mom, Booth Mom, CPR Certified/Safety Mom, Patch/Badge Tracker Mom etc. The possibilities are endless! If you have a talent, consider donating it to the Troop!
Troop Leaders do have expectations for parents. We respectfully request Parents & Caregivers do their best to abide by the following:
* To ensure your daughter arrives & is picked up on time.​
*To avoid bringing siblings whenever possible.
*To notify the Troop Leaders of absences.
*To help your daughter fulfill her obligations (dues, uniforms etc)
*To be supportive of your daughter in her endeavors (help complete missed activities)
*To check with Leaders for any important news, forms that need completing and returning paperwork promptly.
*Allowing Troop Leaders ample time to respond to calls/emails/texts.
*To assist Troop Leaders whenever possible (consider volunteering!!)
*To keep in contact with Troop Leaders & give them respectful feedback.
*To discuss any issues that arrive privately & not in front of girls.
*To help the Troop Leaders maintain a positive environment by explaining acceptable behaviors.
*To attend parent meetings, group activities and special events.
*To reimburse the troop of any events paid for that were missed (exceptions may apply).
*To not share videos/photos without parents permission.
You may contact the Service Unit Managers at GS.su84.sum@gmail.com